Bluetooth Technology and Other Tidbits in the VR World

The Bluetooth Controller may present a couple of question marks in your mind, as you are unboxing your initial Virtual Reality (VR) package.

So, what is a Bluetooth controller and why should you care?

Hopefully, your package comes with instructions that explain what it is and what it does. If so, you may find that the controller does exactly what it is advertised to do. It controls your smartphone!

Depending on the gear and the platform, the controller could control the Android or the iOS smartphone. It works as a sort of mouse, but the key thing is that it handles that smartphone to make your VR experience a little easier (and more fun).

Understanding the Importance of a Controller

Why does it matter?

By using a controller, you can ensure that your smartphone goes into the viewer properly. When the smartphone is carefully and properly placed in the viewer, you can help to minimize the possibility of damage to the smartphone. Also, it should help to avoid accidental misuse. Without a controller, the smartphone gets more handling. This causes potential scratches and damage.

Once your smartphone is in its place, the controller becomes essential, in order to avoid this type of damage.

Bluetooth technology facilitates the connection for the controller.

The example package, for the purposes of understanding the technology, is shown on Amazon (even though it is misspelled) > affiliate link. This one on Amazon also mentions that it is compatible with Samsung devices. That is something that is important to check when doing your research on controllers. Check compatibility. You never know when you may want to switch smartphones and not have to switch other gear, so it is good to know which ducks are in that row and to know that ahead of time.

Be sure to verify that it is easy to connect using the Bluetooth technology. Since you need to control the smartphone used, you want it to be something comfortable for you. And, especially since it is VR. It needs to be a technology with which you are comfortable.

Ideally, you want to be able to test the controller prior to investing too much money into the package deal (bundle).

Beyond the Controller… A Few Other Things

A few other things to check when figuring out all these little items that go along with VR systems: Is the headset comfortable? Is it padded for comfort? Are the lenses adjustable for range? We all have different eyes and facial structure, so that is important for customization.

Some other items to watch for in your package is that it really does include the Bluetooth remote control and that it includes the headset. You’d be surprised how many times packages reference something that is not included. Definitely double check!

Some of the items that you may want to check include the following. For example, essential batteries, scratch-proof lens cleaning cloth, and the user guide. You know, the guide that helps us know that we shouldn’t eat the preservatives that help to keep your stuff safe (is that what they do?).

So, now you know what a controller is, what Bluetooth technology is, as it relates to the controller, and a little bit of info to keep in mind for your research into that buying decision (i.e. VR Bundle).

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